
Applications Now Open!

Are you ready to join the premier high school scholarhip in Cape Town? The time is here: double-check that you have all your documents in-hand and that you meet the criteria when you click Apply!



To apply, the learner must:

  • Be in Gr. 6 in 2020.
  • Be born on or after 1 January 2008.
  • 70% aggregate in Gr. 5 final exams and Gr. 6 term 1 assessments.
  • 70% min for Maths in Gr. 5 final exam and Gr. 6 term 1 assessments.
  • 70% min for English in Gr. 5 final exam and Gr. 6 term 1 assessments.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Stay within 30 kilometres of the SBF Newlands Office.


Prepare Your Documents

To apply, make sure you have the following documents ready and in-hand:

  • Grade 5 Final Report.
  • Grade 6 Term 1 Report.
  • Applicant’s Birth Certificate.
  • Proof of Study Visa if not South African.
  • Both parents’/guardians’ ID copies with valid Visa / Proof Residency if not South African citizens.
  • Both parents’/guardians’ proof of income (most recent payslip plus one of the following: employment letter or unemployment affidavit or self-employment affidavit.

If you’re have all your documents ready, and your learner meets the entrance requirements, let’s get going!

See our application guide for more details and timelines.

Apply Now